I had always thought that my blog was kinda private.
I had also always thought that only 2 people (my turtle friend and my guy) know about the existence of my blog and read it regularly.
I mean, sure, it is a place for me to write my thoughts and feelings, and of course, to record down the milestones in my life.
It is also a place where my very dear turtle friend in NZ will turn to everytime he wants an update of my life but am unable to catch me online on MSN (the fact that NZ is 5hrs ahead of Singapore doesn't help very much either!).
However, recently, I realised that my blog is not as private as I thought it would be. A couple of weeks ago, my wakeboarding instructor told me that he knew about my blog. More recently, or rather, yesterday to be precise, I bumped into a friend whom I have lost contact with sometime back at NTU and he told me that he reads my blog too.
Look like I better start to watch what I say in my blog...you never know who is reading!
On a totally different note, yesterday seems like a good day to be bumping into people who I have not seen in eons!
In the afternoon, when I was ta pao-ing lunch from my hall canteen, I met a friend there and she told me that she is working in NTU.
Later in the evening, when I was going back to hall after classes, I bumped into the guy who I mentioned earlier and he was working in NIE.
I never knew that I have so many friends working in NTU/NIE.
Most Interesting.
Remember that I was complaining a few posts back about how uni and hall life being more boring that I had thought it would be?
Well, looks like things are gonna change in a hurry!
Sports Trials for Inter-Hall Games are starting this week and I will be going for badminton, netball and softball trials.
In fact, I have been "arrowed" for the softball batter position since going for the softball "game" 2 weeks ago.
Badminton would just be for fun...wouldn't be too upset if I don't get into the team cos I know where my standard lies.
Netball would be good though. It's been a long time since I last played a proper netball game and I am looking forward to it.
There is also a recruitment going on to select players for the NTU Inter-School games. Badminton is out for this competition...too many good players for me to even consider going for the trials but I am considering going for the Netball trials for this too. Oh, and bowling too of course.
I wonder if I would be stretching myself too thin by taking part in so many events.
Not to mention that I have been selected to be a team rider in the NTU Wakeboard Club and will be representing NTU in the IVP league next June. This means that I have to start training seriously too.
Decisions...decisions...but I can now see that my NIE life would be very fulfilling as compared to how it was like 1 month ago.
Most Interesting Indeed.
p.s Ok I know that my Oakley All Girls' Wakeboard day and birthday post is kinda...er...late but I had been stuck at my lappy doing up assignments the whole of last week so...WAIT! =p