Saturday, July 07, 2007

More than Meets the Eye!

Transformers kicks ass!

If only my car is like bumblebee *Drools*

I wonder how can ANY guy not like this show? It has its funny moments as well as the action-packed ones...well worth my $9.50.


I know it's been more than a month since I last updated my blog.

Not much happening though I did went back to the land of "I don't know what the hell everyone is talking about" Indonesia and have some pictures to be posted up.

Other than that, I have officially graduated from NIE, having my convo next Tues, teachers at Canberra have been great, and I am in the afternoon session now teaching P2s again.

Oh...and I started Muay Thai again, PLUS...started jogging once a week, covering about 3km each time. This is a BIG thing for me cos I HATE JOGGING!

But what to do...getting married and photoshoot is in 3 weeks (slightly less actually) time and I need to look good.

Ok back with more photos another time.


p.s.s. It's Happy Potter's turn next week! Yay!