Pictures of Mongolia

Muno, Me, Oichi and Yuen Lik (sitting) at the Gobi Desert Sand Dunes
That's Muno Teaching Me how to Leap off the Sand Dunes. Fun!
Oichi, Noogoi (Muno's wife), Muno & Me with a Bunch of Camels. Do you know that you can find double-hump camels ONLY in Mongolia?
Group Picture around Our Campfire..the Only source of Heat in the Middle of the Gobi Desert and it is freezing cold! Also notice that it is pitch black behind us except for the car headlamps. No houses, no streetlamps, no civilisation for miles!!!!
Our MPV got kinda stuck in a ditch so we all have to get out and PUSH!
Me and ALL the Mongolian Guides on my last day in Mongolia. The 2nd guy is Muno's dad, the only other gal in the picture is Muno's sister, 2nd last guy is Oichi, and of course Muno himself
Sighz...I miss those times and I miss them.
Wow! You went all the way to Mongolia! Cool! ;D That vehicle looks more like a van than an MPV to me :)
eh...its a MPV...really.
maybe tts how an MPV in mongolia looks like.
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