Today I had my 1st French...
Manicure lah! What else were you expecting huh? *Tsk tsk tsk* =p
Met up with Jo the octopus for shopping + dinner + movie today and we had time to kill so we decided to go for an express manicure ($10). One thing led to another and soon I was requsting for a full mani @ $23 (but then again, my hands were in terrible condition and sorely needed a full mani pronto!) and from there, I thought I would give french mani a try since it was only $2 more.

My newly manicured nails
It's nice as compared to the usual "paint your nails in pink or red" type of manicure cos it made my nails look so neat and professional. However, my nails look SOOOO natural that I feel kinda cheated of my $25. LOL. I dunno...maybe I will do it again in future if I feel like just being me but if it's for a party party glam glam affair, I think I will still opt for my dark red nails. *grinz*
Anywayz...before our manicure, me and eight legs were shopping around Plaza Sing and I managed to get a top from Esprit for only $24.95...HALF PRICE! It's a really nice top though I will need to wear it with a tube cos it is REALLY low cut.

The actual color is more of maroon rather than blackish watever...
After a delicious dinner of Ayam Pengang from PS food court (MUST TRY!!!), it was off to the movies. Choice of the day was Final Destination 3. Well...what can I say. For a movie, it is good. But after watching FD 1 & 2, the storyline became very predictable so instead of being all jumpy and scared, I was more grossed out by the gruesome ways the kids died in the show. You know...all the brain matter splattering out, guts all over the place, blood in your face...that kind of scene. Still...worth my $7.00 I suppose.

Final Destination 3...There is no escaping Death
Now, before we went to the movies, eight legs and I passed by "The Little Match Girl" shop and they were having a massive sale. Being the girls we are, plus the fact that LMG has always been one of our favourite shops, we rushed there after the movie, hoping to at least secure a bargain or two and BOY were we lucky. The salesgirl started to roll the shutters down the SECOND we stepped into the shop. LOL. In the end, I got a pretty greyish skirt for only $15 (original price was $49) and Jo got a shirt + skirt (same one as I did except hers is pink). I am sorely tempted to go back tomorrow but I dun think I have the time. Hmmm...still contemplating...
Oh well...gals will always be gals. When there is a sale, there will always be US!
OH...By the way, both myself and my guy are taking Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) lessons every Tuesday now. It's fun...and I am hooked. Bought our boxing gloves last week and our instructor is getting the wraps for us. Now lets see how long the interest will last. Kekekekeke...

My boxing gloves (frontal view)

Them again

My guy's & mine...Look at how BIG his is!!!

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p.s forgot to take a photo of my skirt so none for now. Perhaps tomorrow...perhaps.
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