Mongolia Once Again.
The one and only (so far) time that I've been to Mongolia was back in August 2004. when I was still working in Singapore Recreation Club as a Sports & Recreation Executive. Then, my job was to bring a couple of members there to have the adventure of a lifetime, and of course, at the same time to enjoy myself.
Now...noone spends 2 whole weeks of living in the dessert, cooking over campfires, and showering in freezing cold water with 10 other people, without forging life long friendships, even if you don't get meet up with them ever again. I was no exception.
We had a couple of Mongolian guides assigned to us for the 2 weeks that we were there (to ensure that everything would run smoothly, that noone got lost, and so on), and of which, I became pretty close to 2 of them, namely Muno and Oichi. They were lots of fun to be with and they even taught me how to curse n swear in Mongolian! Haha *grinz*
Last weekend, Muno came over to Singapore for a visit and also to work with a friend, Poh Joo, to promote Mongolia to Singaporeans. They had a ger tent set up at the pavillion in MacRitchie Reservior with lots of beautiful pictures of the scenery of Mongolia.
I spent 2 wonderful hours catching up with Muno and reminiscing about the fun and wonderful 2 weeks we had spend 1+yrs ago. Muno also informed us that he is now a proud father of a beautiful girl named Michelle who will be turning 1 this coming April. Congrats Muno!
Here are some photos that I took yesterday, and some of the great times I had when I was in Mongolia.

Muno @ MacRitchie

Me, Muno and Chay Geok (She was also part of my group who went to Mongolia)
Though our looks have changed (both of us became so much fatter! =p ) and we may get married, have kids, blah blah blah...but our friendship will forever be there.
Bon Voyage Muno and hopefully we will be able to meet up again soon. =)
p.s I dunoo wat the fuck is wrong with blogger but after uploading those 2 photos, it screwed up on me again. Nvrmind...I'll try again later.
are you a teacher? you're kinda cool!
yea i m a teacher...
thks! =)
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