What The Fuck...
Just as I was thinking that the curse is broken...I fell sick again last nite.
My monsters this year is like 100% naughtier than last year! Though there are only 30 of them now (20 boys & 10 girls. HOW COME? It was supposed to be a balanced ratio. Poor me *Bawls*), they are so much harder to control n teach as compared to my 40 babies last year.
Man...looks like this is gonna be a tough semester for me. Just 2weeks + into the new school term & I am down for the 2nd time already.
I used to be able to remain illness free for a whole year. What is happening to me? *Sighz*
On a side note, last weekend was great! My dearest turtlish roomie came over to Singapore for a week. Besides meeting up with him (& my other buddies who were also at the chalet) and introducing them to the wonderful world of wakeboarding (though it rained almost the whole 5 hours we were there), I popped by for a 3days 2 nights stay with them on Friday. Only managed to crawl into bed at 5am on BOTH nights but it was great fun.
Ok my brain is telling me to hit the sack soon so here is a few photos to round up this entry.
p.s I hope I recover in time for my kickboxing class on Saturday...Missed it last Sat already.
p.s.s will upload the bbq photos tomorrow instead. didn't realise it was almost 1am n I had originally wanted to sleep at 12am. Bad...*shake head*

Group Photo Outside My Instructor's Shop Before The Ride of Their Life! =p

The 4 Beauties =p
Me...Finally Mastering My Wake Jump
Jo...My Bestest, Oldest Friend
Xinyi...She came in a close second best out of all the beginners
JingWei...Xinyi's Beau
Mark...He was the BEST! Attempted To Surf The Wake Even!
Presenting...My Dearest Turtlish Roomie...He Was Angry He Didn't Manage To Stand For More Than 10 secs
And Of Cos...My Boy...I Need To Bring Him Wakeboarding More Often!
Wow! Wakeboarding is fun! Your wakeboard jump is real cool! :D
It took me lots of falls + a disgustingly huge amt of moolah before I finally master tt jump.
But yes, wakeboarding IS fun. All my friends who were trying it out for the 1st time tt day were hooked!
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