Buzz off If You Think I am Cocky!
A long long time ago, I got bored and I started blog surfing when I came across a website called JustDate. Having absolutely nothing to do, I went to sign up and had this little profile thingy filled up.
Fast forward to the present.
It's been a while since I last logged onto the site, partly because I have been very busy, and also because I have totally lost interest in that site. However, I have been very very bored (AGAIN) cause it's the school holidays but with a bust-up knee, there is nothing very much I can do except to go shopping...and there is only so much shopping a gal can take in Singapore as everything looks the same after the 7th shop.
So, I did the next most interesting thing and that is to surf the internet (I know that is like NOT interesting but DUHZ...I have NOTHING ELSE TO DO!)
When I finally logged onto JustDate again after so many months, naturally my mailbox there was pretty flooeded but one particular message caught my attention.
He said, "hi, you seem to be very cocky... but anyway my name is darren ,waan try... or take that chance you mention pretty open-minded..."
Me? Cocky? I have never been called that before!!! SO...being totally pissed off and intrigued, I check out his profile and this was what I replied back to him 5 minutes later.
"Cocky? Oh well...watever. So the cocky me is gonna take away tt chance n fling it rite back in ur face. I dun give a shit if u r open minded cos with looks like urs, u cannot be picky. N jus in case u r wondering if I m offended...I dun give a damn wat u r wondering really. Have a nice day! or at least one tt is nicer than wat u r having now. "
I wonder how Mr "Maverickcity" will feel when he reads my reply.
But then again, with a face like that:
Fast forward to the present.
It's been a while since I last logged onto the site, partly because I have been very busy, and also because I have totally lost interest in that site. However, I have been very very bored (AGAIN) cause it's the school holidays but with a bust-up knee, there is nothing very much I can do except to go shopping...and there is only so much shopping a gal can take in Singapore as everything looks the same after the 7th shop.
So, I did the next most interesting thing and that is to surf the internet (I know that is like NOT interesting but DUHZ...I have NOTHING ELSE TO DO!)
When I finally logged onto JustDate again after so many months, naturally my mailbox there was pretty flooeded but one particular message caught my attention.
He said, "hi, you seem to be very cocky... but anyway my name is darren ,waan try... or take that chance you mention pretty open-minded..."
Me? Cocky? I have never been called that before!!! SO...being totally pissed off and intrigued, I check out his profile and this was what I replied back to him 5 minutes later.
"Cocky? Oh well...watever. So the cocky me is gonna take away tt chance n fling it rite back in ur face. I dun give a shit if u r open minded cos with looks like urs, u cannot be picky. N jus in case u r wondering if I m offended...I dun give a damn wat u r wondering really. Have a nice day! or at least one tt is nicer than wat u r having now. "
I wonder how Mr "Maverickcity" will feel when he reads my reply.
But then again, with a face like that:

He looks like "Zhu Ba Jian" don't you think? You know...with the beady eyes and double chin and *GASP* curly hair like Miss Piggy's!!!!
I really dun give a shit.
Well.... at least he got ur attention... hahaha...
You are right to tell Mr. Maverickcity off. His attitude is disgrace to men.
if u dun gif a shit then why r u so pissed typing like a wild goose in ur blog?
gwahaha good one! in reality hor, only men are cocky. if u get what i mean haha.
Ha, ha, ha... :D He really does look a bit like Zhu Ba Jie ;p
becos it is MY blog n so I can type watever I want?
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