I'm free...I'm free...I'm free...I'm free...
though the paper was a freaking killer and I practically wrote non-stop for 3 whole hours! *massage fingers*
Regardless, I m officially assignment and exams free till 8th Jan 2007. That is 51 whole glorious days of playing! Woot!
Just received the schedule for IHG training in Dec. I have netball trainings on Mon, Wed and Fri, while hockey training is on Tues and Thurs.
I still have wakeboarding trainings and that is gonna be at least twice a week.
Looks like someone is gonna get her wish to exercise more REAAAALLLL soon and lose some weight just in time for Chinese New Year.
Ok...Random photos and cam whoring ahead!

These were taken when we were mugging for our exams in the tutorial room. Darren got bored and he kidnapped my phone and used the camera to cam whore.

He even took a photo of himself while drinking! *Faints*

One of the rare moments where he decided to point the camera at me.
Of course, too much studying makes one goes a little crazy so well, Darren, being crazy enough as he is already, started doing crazier things.

3 guys came into the tutorial room to repais some faulty lights and they stepped out for a while to get some equipments. Wasting no time, Darren climbed onto the ladder and started making an ass of himself. The looks of those guys when they came back into the room n saw him up there was PRICELESS!

Having blood rushing to your head makes it easier for facts to be absorbed into the brain when studying. =p

It took us almost 10 tries before we managed to get this sequence right. Fun for me, tiring for him. Muahahahahahaha...
*skips off to play*
omg. wtf. -_-
WHAT reputation?
nooooooooooooooooooo... :(((
The last photo is really cool!
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