What a Week! (Pt 1)
*Totally drowned by assignments for the past two weeks thus this post is officially late by a 2 whole blardy weeks even though I wrote it almost immediately after the events . Also, stupid Blogger keeps refusing to let me upload photos...and it jammed up again after like 8 photos or so but I had more to post so I had to split the post into 2. Fyuck. Post had been backdated so that I can remember exactly when it happened 10year down the road. =p *
*Warning...Shitload of Photos ahead!*
Oh boy...this has got to be the most tiring week ever for me!
1st, I was having problems with my Psychology assignment...even though I started working on it on Monday, it was so difficult that I had to work THROUGH the night on Thursday before finally completing it at 10.30am, Friday morning.
The worst thing was...I couldn't go to bed after that as I had already promised my bestie to go shopping with her and we were supposed to meet at 12 noon in town. So what to do? I rushed a cab home after handing in my assignment, dropped off all my barangs barangs, and rushed a cab down to Heeren. Total cab fare? $33.20 though the taxi uncle gave me a discount and charged me only $32. He even stopped the meter while waiting for me to drop off my stuff at home! :)
Heeren was a disappointment this time round (as compared to last Friday), probably because I have gotten everything I wanted then. Next stop was Far East Plaza and we walked all the way there after having a heavy lunch at Billy Bombers. I didn't managed to get anything at Far East too as the only dress that caught my attention was sold out. Sighz.
At around 5.30pm, we headed over to Wisma to start our last leg of shopping spree (well, it was a spree for my bestie) and it was off to Din Tai Fung for dinner at around 7-ish when our respective guys joined us in town.
At the end of the day, I got hme almost midnite and ended up with only a bottle of Vaseline which I got from Watsons, a tube of face mask and a bottle of nail polish from SaSa, and a pair of fake lashies from some Korean Make-up Shop (suddenly cannot remember the name) after spending almost 12hrs shopping in town.
Oh yes! Now...my bestie had been talking about getting a 2nd piercing in her ear the whole day but she was swaying between "I so wanna get it" and "But I am scared of the pain!" and so being the BESTIE I am, I helped her decide and "dragged" her to the shop to get it done! :p Here are the pictures!

"Come come let me draw where the piercing should be."

"Done...Ok now let's clip your hair back."

"Ready? Here goes!"

"All done! That wasn't too difficult was it?"
What an unproductive shopping trip but oh what fun! *Laughing and Sobbing at the same time*
Slept at 1-ish am on Friday night and woke up at 7am the next morning to get ready for my
uncle's wedding. That's only 5hrs+ of sleep after being awake for 39hrs can! Was damn stoned the whole day, right up till the min I got hme from the wedding dinner and hit the sack at almost 3am and I had to wake up at 8am on Sunday morning for my team riding session!

Me & the bride, Xinni

Family Portrait

Another one with the Newly Weds

My dad & mum are superstars! Authograph session! Haha...

My beloved brother. =) But he is so cocky in this picture!

Me & my guy.
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