Hip Hop is DA BOMB!
Last week was still school as usual as I had to go back almost everyday for workshops and meetings. Oh yes, I got my class allocation too, pri 2D again.
Attended a friend's wedding with my boy last sunday. The bridal suite damn nice can! No pictures though except for one of me and my boy when we got home cos in my rush, I forgot to bring my camera along. DUH! *smake forehead*

Me, all dressed up for the wedding dinner
My boy...all dressed up too as he is one of the "brothers" for the groom
Don't we look good together? =p
Signed up for hip hop classes and today was my 1st lesson. Hip Hop is soooo fun can! & it is a damn good workout too. Hopefully by the end of Dec (dance sessions are twice a week, Tues & Thurs, 8 sessions in total) and together with my wakeboard sessions, I will be able to see a fitter and slimmer me for Chinese New Year. =p
Wanted to take up kickboxing lessions on saturdays too but lessons are unable to commence cos not enuff people. Damn. =(
Ok I better go off n shower now. It is 5.30pm already and I still haven pack my luggage. I will be heading over to my auntie's place to stay overnight as she stays much nearer to the airport.
Cya again when I am back on Saturday. Hopefully I will have lots of photos!
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