WARNING! OBSCENE amount of photos ahead. If you don't have unlimited bandwidth or broadband connection, Exit NOW!!!
Muhahahaha...I have finally got down to complete this birthday post that I have been postponing and delaying for ages though I was done with all the photoshopping a couple of days after my birthday. AND for once, blogger did not give me any trouble. *Phew* Can you believe that I had to take more than 10 tries before I managed to upload everything??? ARGH!!!!! *Pulls Hair out*
But anyway...I am still feeling very lazy so I decided that this is gonna be more of a picture post rather than a word-y post. Sides, pictures say more than a thousand words, right? Heehee...Pictures are more or less in order so enjoy! *winks*
Birthday celebrations started on the 6th where it was also my last day of work. Had a farewell cum birthday lunch celebration with my colleagues at a thai restaurant, "Magic Wok" at Hougang Mall in Hougang Central. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! The food is very delicious n very very reasonably priced. A plate of "Pad Thai" is only $3.50 while a $8.00 bowl of tom yum soup was shared amongst the 7 of us with plenty of leftovers for another round.
Me and Jesslyn, one of my closest colleague
Close up Shot
After work, I met up with my guy and we went to Victors at Marina Square Center Stage for dinner. It was, unfortunately, not as nice as I had remembered it to be, and they had marked up the prices already. Looks like I wun be going back again anytime soon. (Latest update...met up with a couple of friends with my guy for coffee on friday, 21 Oct, and they told me Victors has closed down...And I wonder why) A quick walk around the esplanade + some photo taking (which all turned out bad cos it was too dark) and we headed to the chocolate bar for melted chocolates as dessert. YUMMY! *slurp*
Next morning, me and my guy were up bright and early to go...WAKEBOARDING!
On the way out to the channel for some serious riding!
Adjusting my Board Shorts
Woohoo...Toe-side Edge
My guy sure looks like he is having fun!
Hanging on for his dear life =P
This would be such a nice shot if not for that stupid water droplet!
Me & Dear after a tiring session
Rinsing out all the salt from my Precioussssss...
One of the random candid shot my guy captured...I LIKE!
I looked seriously pooped!
Nice & Clean...The board lah!!! But I look FAT! =(
And of course, no riding session is complete with photos of my very yandao instructor, Edward! Enjoy the photos hor cause this is the 1st time he didn't try to hide from my camera. But then again, when he is riding, there is no way he could have hide =P
Presenting...Mr Edward Cheong from TenEighty. He still single u know...heehee

Heel-side Edge
Aiyah...he was a little too fast so the picture abit off center =P
U know...his nick is "Chao Ji Mei Shao Nan"...Muahahahaha
No birthday is complete without a birthday present rite? Presenting my birthday present from my instructor, to yours truly...ME! Everyone, meet Suter, the boss of TenEighty and a wakeboarder with the WBA Team. Sorry if I am gushing but he is really a very very good wakeboarder...the backrolls and halfcaps!!! *Drools* His bookings during weekends are already full till...get this...NEXT YEAR AUGUST!!!! I m damn honored to be riding in HIS boat, to be having TWO instructors guiding me along that day, at NO EXTRA CHARGE!!! Woo HOO!!!
Suter Tan...Looks ait like Adrian Pang, No?


Look at those arms!
I think this trick is called a butterslide
Another way, after our riding session, it was time to relax with a little crapping session with Edward before me and my guy finally decided to head to Compass Point for some lunch, yummy yong tau foo! Then, it was abit of shopping around before heading home for...CAKES!
Mummy bought a mango cake for me for my birthday this year. It was sooooooo yummy *Slurp*! Unfortunately, it was also a little melted by the time they got home with my cake so we had to put it in the freezer for a while to get it back into shape. And while waiting, me and my guy got bored so this is what happened...

Funny Picture 1...Dun ask me why I look so surprised! =p

Funny Picture 2...Err...that was the birthday tag meant for my cake. Heehee

Funny Picture 3...I was hungry...What a BIG Apple!

Funny Picture 4...HEY!!! Strawberries make good earrings!!!
In case anyone was wondering, those fruits are all fake. I was bored n started playing with the plate of display fruits on my dining table. It was fun though. My fav picture is the 1st one, though a close turtlish friend of mine and my guy thought the apple one was better.
Anyway, after messing around for about half hr, the cake was finally ready!

Yummy yummy cake...I am 25! & I look damn tired...

ARGH! This is worse!

Me and my dear with my fast melting candles & cake!

This nice round pendant is a birthday gift from my bestest friend, Jo
My guy got me a pair of diamond earrings for my birthday but I still have not taken any photos of them so those will be up another time.
Ah...it has been a long long entry but I am finally done. Heehee...now I can post about other stuffs and not feel guilty anymore! =p
Well, I hope you had as much fun reading about my birthday as I did celebrating and writing about it.
Till the next post!
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