1st Milestone, 1st Pay Check, 1st MC
Sighz...Had been falling sick at an alarming rate recently...3rd time in as many months. What the hell is going on with my body? =( This time was exceptionally bad...as it is now, I am running a 38.7 degrees fever, my whole body feels wobbly, I have a throbbing headache (which has thankfully subsided somewhat), my throat is sore from all the coughing, and my poor nose is gonna start peeling soon if I continues to torture it.
Oct 2005
What made it worse was that it is exam period now! Stayed back in school till almost 6pm to finish marking the exam papers for SA2 with the rest of the P2 and P4 teachers today even though I felt like dying. It didn't help that the library was freezing cold too. At least doctor gave me an MC so if I am still feeling terrible tomorrow, I would go straight home after school instead of staying back to mark papers again.
Alritez...enuff of complains from me...lets get back to the main point.
I have officially been a teacher for a month already!!! Yay!!! Kinda disgusted tt I fell sick on such an impt day though...n the last time I fell sick (though not as bad though I was nursing a runny nose for more than a week) was exactly a month ago!!!
The past month had been a very eventful one...I had students spewing vulgarities at me, I had students playing truant (and they are only in P2!!!), I had students crying over the slightest thing, I had students stealing their classmate's wallets...the list goes on.
However, that will have to be left till tomorrow or over the weekend alritez? I seriously should go to bed now. Didn't had a good rest last nite...was tossing n turning n having nightmares abt marking homework!!! *faints*
In the meantime, take a look at these 3 pictures. The 1st one was taken in March, while the 2nd photo in June (I think) and the last photo just last week.
LOOK AT ME!!! I look so old n haggard n tired now. Sighz...this is wat a fractured ankle (so no exercise and wakeboarding for 4mths) + shouting and screaming at 40 monsters can do to u. =(
Time to bring out the mask and my intensive moisturiser!!!

March 2005

June 2005

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