Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
Monday was a BORING start of the my 2nd last week in the company but had a GREAT ending...=p
Was almost bored to tears today in the office as there is nothing very much to do now tt I m in an ORD mood n most of the events tt r running at the moment dun involve me very much.
Dear dear notti roomie turtle friend of mine from NZ (yes, the same one who was called me from 6000miles away...or maybe more) was supposed to go online to accompany me n entertain me while I bore my brains out of my skull but NOOOOOO...he ended up being MEAN n watched animes instead till 5pm+. HMPH! By then it was time for me to go hme already!
Things got slightly better after tt though...went down to town to meet my boy for a movie "Charlie n the Chocolate Factory". Show starts at 7.05pm, I arrived at ard 6.15pm so I went to get the tickets 1st n did some shopping ard while waiting for him, he left his office at 6.35pm n only reached PS at 6.48pm...n tt left us with...15mins to buy our food, go up to the 7th storey, buy drinks n popcorn and NOT be late for the movie!!! I had nvr eaten a teriyaki chicken burger so fast in my life!!!
The show was damn FUNNY can! Though Willy Wonka was...errr....weird to say the least, stiil, I felt tt Johnny Depp played the part of Willy Wonka very well. The only irritating part abt the whole show were the stupid Ommph Loompas (I think this is wat they r called. They just have this really really strange name n they look even stranger!!!!)
Everytime one of the kids did something notti n ended up with horrible consequences, they will have a very irritating n BAD dance n song thingy which almost drove me nuts. ARGH!!!!
Still, overall the show was worth every single $7 tt I paid for n is a gd way to chase away the Monday blues.
Now...while I was waiting for my boy earlier on before the show, I spotted a couple of earrings tt I had taken a fancy to, but ended up not buying as time was quite short. While watching the movie, I kept thinking abt tis particular pair (dangly n vintage looking pair) n I knew i HAD to get it (Even though I already have a million other pairs of earrings, including 5 pairs I got in Europe but only 4 ear holes =p). So after the movie, no prizes for guessing where I dragged my boy to! Haha...
Ended up with 3 new pairs of earrings now for only $10...err...n a humongo mother-of-pearl shell pendant on black beads chain....very very pretty n ONLY $10 too! Wat a BARGAIN!
It was indeed, the perfect way to end a horrible Monday. OH...n also, the 10th last day I will be in the company...woo hooo!!!
p.s Actually by now, I only have 8 more days left cos its tuesday already n I dun intend of work Sats the next 2 weekends too *grins*

This is my absolute Fav! Been hunting for something similar for quite a while. SO PRETTY!

Haha...Loopy Loopy...A fun Pair of earrings

This is just plain loops...To replace my old ones n for days I jus dun feel like being too fancy

WOO HOO! My bargain Buy n I luv it!!! Jazz up a plain top perfectly!
This was a great show. My nephew, brother and I talked the folks into going. 3 generations at the movie theatre. The last time my father saw a movie was in the 1980's, but he likes Johnny Depp so he went too. That's what we thought... wierd but good.
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