Monday, July 03, 2006


1st England, then Brazil...
I is NOT a happy gal. =(
School had started for a week now and my workload has effectively doubled.
While the other 3 teachers who will also be heading to NIE in July has been relieved of their form classes and am only taking relief duties now (which means no marking, no admin work, etc), not only have I been assigned as a form teacher to a better Pri 2 class, BUT I also need to double up as a buddy cum mentor to the new gal who took over my former class.
I know that it will look damn good on my portfolio, handling so many duties and responsibilities, but it is also physically very draining and tiring. Good news is that my new form class is very well-behaved so I don't really have any problems with them. Bad news is, they are so smart that they finish up their work very quickly and they REQUEST for more homework. And we all know that more homework = more marking for the teacher.
Sheesh...and I thought I will be able to go home before 3pm everyday for the next one month. How wrong I was! I have not left the school any earlier than 5pm the past 1 week since school reopened!
I am so looking forward to NIE.


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