Mission DaVinci Code
It's been a while since I have watched a movie, the last being "Eight Below" about a month ago, and with the recent release of a few "hot" movies, me and my guy decided to spend our weekends in a big, dark room munching on chips and popcorn.
Mission Impossible 3 was...well...I cannot compare it with part 1 and 2 as I have never watch them! Tom Cruise don't really appeal to me (too old lah!) and I never really like fighting "wham bam" kind of movie. Then again, the movie tickets were free so no complains on my part there! =p
I did enjoy the movie though there was no much story to it except for all the fighting (still feel that Cruise is old...do you know that my uncle calls him "Ai Dong Gua" which literally translates into "short melon"...Wahahahahhahaha!!!) And wat the hell...can someone tell me what is the rabbitfoot!!!
Anyway, don't think I will wanna catch MI 4 if there is one, unless I get free tickets again but I will give this movie a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

The other movie we caught was "The DaVinci Code", a screenplay adapted from the novel by Dan Brown.
Frankly, I felt that the book was better. The movie felt out way too much details and even the ending was changed! Then again, if the director was to include everything in the book, the movie will probably end up 4 hours long.
Heard that they will be also be filming "Angels and Demons" so hopefully that movie will be much better.
Overall rating...3.5 out of 5 stars.

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